Werkstatt für Siebdruck und Weiteres | Anna & Juan | Natural Dyes and Textile Courses

Werkstatt für Siebdruck und Weiteres

Our upcoming natural dyes workshops will take place in Zurich, in the Werkstatt für Siebdruck und Weiteres.
This wonderful place is the atelier of three Swiss artists, Simone Siegfried, Anna-Katherina Wittmann and Estelle Gassmann, who work individually but share the working space.
The room is fully equiped with all that is needed to screen print on different surfaces (such as paper and textiles): a big table, lots of water-based inks, a drying place, a sink and good lighting.
They offer monthly silkcreening seminars, and the possibility to work on your own project on the Open Studio day, every Wednesday.

See you there!

19/10/2012 | Luzius Schnellmann
Categories: Uncategorized